French OER 2 (Carrasco, Zahedi, and Parrish)
Instructor Overview
This course is the second semester of French. This elementary level course is a study of the French language and French-speaking cultures, with continued emphasis on the development of communicative skills and basic structures. The course combines in-class instruction with self-paced study in the Foreign Language Laboratory.
Collection Resources
Unité 7 - À table !
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F102: Unité 7: Pronom En / Vocabulaire
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 7: Expressions affirmatives/négatives
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
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F102: Unité 7: Vocabulaire sur la cuisine, les repas et les boissons
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 7: Vocabulaire sur la nourriture
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 7: Pronom Y / Vocabulaire (endroits)
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 7: Tout / adjectifs indéfinis
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 7: Superlatif (Nom)
Language CC BY-NC 5 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 7: Superlatif (Adjectif)
Language CC BY-NC 5 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 7: Superlatif (Adverbe)
Language CC BY-NC 5 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window.
Unité 8 - Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ?
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F102: Unité 8 - Passé Composé (avoir) / Pronoms Objets Directs
Language CC BY-NC 8 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 8: Verbes pronominaux (passé composé)
Language CC BY-NC 5 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 8 - Passé Composé (être/avoir) / Personnages historiques
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 8 - Francophonie / Nice
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 8 - Passé Composé (Avoir) / Que vous est-il arrivé ?
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 8 - Verbes pronominaux (sens idiomatique)
Language CC BY-NC 5 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window.
Unité 9 - L'enfance et la jeunesse
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F102: Unité 9: Pronoms relatifs simples
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 9: Pronoms relatifs (qui, que)
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 9: Imparfait vs Passé Composé
Language CC BY-NC 2 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 9 - Verbes croire, voir, recevoir
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 9: Imparfait (habitudes)
Language CC BY-NC 2 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 9: Imparfait / L'île mystérieuse de Jules Vernes
Language CC BY-NC 2 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 9: Imparfait / La Bohème
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 9: Pronoms relatifs (où, dont)
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 9: Imparfait vs Passé Composé
Language CC BY-NC 2 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 9: Imparfait (descriptions/habitudes)
Language CC BY-NC 3 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window.
Unité 10 - Notre planète
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F102: Unité 10 - Pronoms Objets Indirects
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 10 - Verbes dire, lire, écrire
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 10 - Ecologie (vocabulaire)
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 10 - Géographie française
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 10 - Géographie (vocabulaire)
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 10 - Francophonie / Géographie française
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 10 - Verbe 'devoir' au conditionnel
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 10 - Verbes pronominaux à l'impératif
Language CC BY-NC 6 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 10 - Verbes habiter, vivre
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F101: Unité 10: Prépositions de lieu
Language CC BY-NC 2 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window.
Unité 11 - L'enseignement, les carrières et l'avenir
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F102: Unité 11 - Verbes: suivre, conduire' au présent, passé composé, imparfait, subjonctif, futur et conditionnel
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 11 - Enseignement (vocabulaire)
Language CC BY-NC 1 year agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F101: Unité 11: Doubles pronoms / Impératif
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F101: Unité 11: Doubles Pronoms
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F101: Unité 11: Constructions infinitives
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F101: Unité 11: Conditionnel
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F101: Unité 11: Conditionnel
Language CC BY-NC 8 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F101: Unité 11: Conditionnel
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 11 - Futur (simple)
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 11 - Métiers et professions (vocabulaire)
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window.
Unité 12 - Les voyages
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F102: Unité 12: Subjonctif dans Chants berbères
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 12 - Subjonctif vs Indicatif vs Infinitif
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 12 - Subjonctif vs Indicatif vs Infinitif
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 12: Subjonctif dans le Cid de Corneille
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 12 - Subjonctif présent (émotions)
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 12 - Subjonctif présent (doutes, incertitude)
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 12 - Subjonctif présent (volonté)
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 12 - Subjonctif présent (conjugaison)
Language CC BY-NC 5 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 12 - Expressions impersonnelles avec subjonctif présent
Language CC BY-NC 5 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F102: Unité 12 - Préparatifs de voyage (vocabulaire) / expressions impersonnelles avec infinitif
Language CC BY-NC 9 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window.