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Instructor Overview

Entrada libre is an intermediate/advanced college-level Spanish OER grammar manual for second language learners and heritage speakers of Spanish at the community college level. Instructors will be able to download the entire manual as well as the H5P activities library or use the OER Remixer from LibreTexts to adapt, edit, and customize content and publish it in their LMS. Each of the 24 units includes a reading with examples of the grammar points used in context, grammar explanation, and self-graded follow-up activities for practice using H5P as a formative assessment.

Collection Resources

Capítulo 1: Presente del indicativo, "ser" y "estar", comparativos y superlativos

Capítulo 2: Verbos como "gustar", usos comunes del "se", "por" y "para"

Capítulo 3: Imperfecto, pretérito, pretérito vs. imperfecto

Capítulo 4: Pronombres del complemento directo e indirecto

Capítulo 5: El subjuntivo y sus usos

Capítulo 6: Mandatos, futuro, condicional

Capítulo 7: Cláusulas con "si", Imperfecto del subjuntivo, Cláusulas con "si" en situaciones hipotéticas

Capítulo 8: Pretérito perfecto, pluscuamperfecto, tiempos compuestos

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Chabot College