Accessibility Guide for H5P Dictation
Usability Status
H5P Activity Type / Library Name
Accessibility Guide
Important Reminders
This activity requires the ability to hear. Users without hearing or with limited hearing may require an alternative activity.
Use workarounds and best practices for content authoring, including:
- begin each dictation example with a pause to allow users to move the keyboard focus into the edit field;
- add alt-text descriptions up to 150 characters for meaningful images;
- use good color contrast for meaningful visual information in images;
- begin each activity with a correctly structured heading;
- provide users with instructions that include how many times they will be able to listen to the dictation example.
Visible Indication of Focus
The activity buttons and form fields have a visible indication of focus.
Color Contrast
The visible indication of focus has good contrast. The visible indication of focus on buttons is a thin black line and a light blue line on form fields. Users who require a visible indication of focus with more contrast may use assistive technology.
Keyboard Usability
The activity is usable with the keyboard. H5P does not include an option to add a delay before the dictation example begins playing. Content authors should include a 1 to 2 second pause at the beginning of each dictation example to provide users who do not the use the mouse enough time to activate the Play button using the keyboard and move the keyboard focus from the Play button to the edit field.
If the activity includes the option to listen to the dictation example at a slower speed, content authors should provide a 2 to 3 second pause at the beginning of the dictation example to allow users who do not use the mouse enough time to navigate past the additional button.
No Keyboard Traps
There are no keyboard traps.
The activity supports both magnification up to 200% and reflow of content with magnification up to 400% without a loss of content or functionality and without requiring horizontal scrolling.
Usability with Screen Reading Software
The activity is usable with screen reading software. H5P does not include an option to add a delay before the dictation example begins playing. Content authors should include a 1 to 2 second pause at the beginning of each dictation example to provide users of screen reading software enough time to activate the Play button using the keyboard, move the keyboard focus from the Play button to the edit field, and allow for screen reading software to finish announcing that the keyboard is focused on the edit field. If the activity includes the option to listen to the dictation example at a slower speed, content authors should provide a 2 to 3 second pause at the beginning of the dictation example to allow users of screen reading software enough time to navigate past the additional button.
Last modified
The H5P Accessibility Guide is shared under a CC BY 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.