H5P Resources
Displaying 1 - 15 of 46
- Fill in the Blanks
FR104: Leçon 6: Pronoms relatifs composés
Language CC BY-NC 4 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
FR104: Leçon 6: Les pronoms relatifs (qui, que)
Language CC BY-NC 4 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
FR104: Leçon 5: Doubles Pronoms
Language CC BY-NC 4 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
FR104: Leçon 5 - Doubles pronoms/Impératif
Language CC BY-NC 4 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
Chapitre 10: Les pronoms interrogatifs
Language CC BY-NC 5 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
Chapitre 9: Quand + futur - futur
Language CC BY-NC 7 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
Chapitre 9- Les adjectifs démonstratifs et -ci/-là
Language CC BY-NC 7 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
Chapitre 9 - Futur simple
Language CC BY-NC 7 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Speak the Words
- Fill in the Blanks
FR2: Unité 8: Les pronoms « y » et « en »
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
FR2: Unité 8 - Les Pronoms Objets Directs (le, la, les, l')
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
FR2: Unité 8 - Les Pronoms Objets Indirects
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
FR2: Unité 8: Les verbes pronominaux au passé composé (Exercice 1)
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
FR2: Unité 8: Les verbes pronominaux au passé composé (Exercice 2)
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
FR2: Unité 8 - Depuis quand / Depuis combien de temps
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window.