H5P Library
Displaying 5881 - 5900 of 8335
- Fill in the Blanks
Pretérito: Verbos que cambian de significado
Language U 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
- Fill in the Blanks
FR2: Unité 8: Les verbes pronominaux au passé composé (Exercice 1)
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
FR2: Unité 8: Les verbes pronominaux au passé composé (Exercice 2)
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Question Set
La gastronomía del Caribe continental
Language U 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
FR2: Unité 8 - Depuis quand / Depuis combien de temps
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Question Set
- Fill in the Blanks
FR2: Unité 9: Imparfait ( les habitudes)
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
FR2: Unité 9: Imparfait / île mystérieuse de Jules Vernes
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
FR2: Unité 9: Imparfait / La Bohème
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
FR2: Unité 9: Imparfait (descriptions / habitudes)
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
FR2: Unité 9: Imparfait (exercice 1)
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
F101: Unité 5 - Etre en train de + infinitif
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Interactive Video
- Fill in the Blanks
Vocabulario 5- De compras 5.1A
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Column
Vocabulario 5- De compras 5.1B
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
Vocabulario 5- De compras 5.1C
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Image Sequencing
Vocabulario 5- De compras 5.1D
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Find The Words
Vocabulario 5- De compras 5.1E
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window. - Fill in the Blanks
Práctica- Ser y estar 5.2.1A
Language CC BY-NC 10 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window.